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Welcome to the Resource Section of HCG! 
Now that you're here, an avalanche of knowledge is coming your way! 
Scroll down to grasp the concept, tips and tricks, which you must know before entering into the realm of Consulting!


The casebook contains a pool of literature specially curated to ace consulting interviews. An outcome of coordinated, congruent and stalwart efforts, the casebook is prepared in accordance to Indian Consulting market, aiming to provide an insightful guide to the students preparing for consulting interviews.


The Annual Report is a comprehensive report containing the analysis of the progress made by Hindu Consulting Group in the year. It contains detailed information about various projects, sessions and competitions conducted by group in the past one year.


It contains company specific analysis of most crucial companies in the field of consulting and various industries of utmost importance. ​


It contains company specific analysis of most crucial companies in the field of consulting and various industries of utmost importance. ​


Consulting is the business of providing expert advice to a specific group of people. This section has been specially articulated to enhance your knowledge about consulting.

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